Vote 3rd Party in 2016: I’m In
In 2016 I’ll vote 3rd party: Gary Johnson and Bill Weld.
Are #youin? Check out our new video — and spread it around. #election2016 #TeamGov
— Gov. Gary Johnson (@GovGaryJohnson) June 30, 2016
If the video doesn’t load, view it here.
I keep my political posts super spare. I hate the horserace.
I allow myself one post per 6 months. This is my one political post for the 6-month period ending May 2016 … so I get one more before the election.
Hillary and Bill are Frank and Claire Underwood incarnate … sketchy use of private email systems for govt use … uranium deals with Russians and unbooked donations … unclear personal loyalty to each other & their marriage … I don’t need details. That’s enough.
And Donald … well … I loved The Apprentice (but now Marcus Lemonis on The Profit is 10,000x) and I think he is playing us all very smartly at a game he wants to win and is willing to win at all costs (including all moral costs), but I say the shrewd business sense he does have is better suited to the private world of real estate ventures where the stakes are his own (or his private investors’) and not the public trust. I wouldn’t mind having him negotiate on our behalf in some matters, but I haven’t seen him model the temperament to lead a massive staff of people who must all get along in order for any good to get done.
So yeah, vote 3rd party for two successful former governors … all the way to The White House.
Btw, as much as I’d love for Mitt to be our Chief Executive, he just hasn’t been “politician enough” to earn the mass likability that appears necessary to win a national presidential election … and at this point I don’t want him to be. His morality is one of his best continuing contributions.