A frozen banana has a three-fold mission in every shake
The frozen banana has a three-fold mission in every shake.
[1] It cools the shake.
[2] It thickens the shake.
[3] It sweetens the shake.
There you have it.
Frozen banana winter wonderland of thick smooth sweetness in your mouth.

Why yes, I buy my bananas 15 lbs at a time. A shelf in my freezer is dedicated to bananas. I may even get another freezer and dedicate entirely to bananas.
Pro Tips for the Frozen Banana, etc.
If you’re using greens, blend them first with just the liquids. That will allow them to get chopped up in finer pieces without everything else in the way.
Add frozen fruit last. It’s the hardest to blend and will blend easiest when everything else is already liquidy and smooth.
Try my Homemade Protein Shake Recovery Mix. It’s easy and delicious. And a great post-workout nutrition boost for triathletes and endurance athletes.
For endless inspiration of smoothie recipes, check out my friends at Simple Green Smoothies. Tons of recipes. Other cool food and nutrition ideas. And Jen is the bomb. +400k Instagram followers, she must be doing something right.[/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]